Don't you just cringe at those ugly, yellow folders that show up on your desktop when you create a shortcut? I know I do. | ||||
But do not fret, my friend. I will show you how to put an icon on your desktop, using clipart. These instructions apply to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Paint along with the use of clipart. And this is for the novice. SOooo! Are you ready? Good. All together now: OPEN the Microsoft Paint program ("Start," "Programs," "Accessories," "Paint"). OPEN your Microsoft Word program. RIGHT CLICK the bottom taskbar (on a free space) and choose "Tile Windows Vertically." INSERT your clipart into the Word document ("Insert," "Picture," "Clipart" or "From File"). RESIZE the picture to almost the size of a thumbnail. GO to the Paint program window, click "Image," "Attribute," and change the Width to 40 and Height to 40 (size negotiable but not by much). Click "OK." RETURN to Word and highlight the picture. RIGHT CLICK the picture, click "Copy." GO BACK to Paint. CLICK "Edit" in Paint's upper toolbar and choose "Paste." Answer "Yes" to the question that says the picture is too big and would you like Paint to make the adjustment (if it appears). You can always resize it again in Word (with an even smaller picture) if it becomes larger than the 40x40 white box that you created in "Image," "Attribute." RIGHT CLICK the bottom taskbar and choose the "Undo Tile." CLOSE or minimize Microsoft Word. RETURN TO PAINT & SAVE the tiny picture where you will readily find it. Please keep in mind that you must make the picture small like I explained in the above instructions. I suggest using a single item like a flower or a dragon as opposed to scenery. This procedure works best with shortcuts. CREATE a shortcut to a folder. To do this, go into Windows Explorer, navigate to and right click on a folder that you want the shortcut to go to, and choose "Create Shortcut." You'll see a new folder appear in the right panel that clearly says that it's a shortcut. Drag the shortcut out onto your desktop. RENAME your shortcut to alleviate the words "Shortcut to" if you so desire. RIGHT CLICK the new shortcut folder, choose properties, click shortcut tab, and choose "Change Icon." CLICK "Browse" and navigate until you come to the folder where you had previously saved the picture file. You do remember where you saved it, right?! Please say you wrote down the folder name that you saved it to. Oh dear! (I've been there and I've done that.) But assuming all is going well, we'll continue on. Upon opening the folder, you'll use the "Files of type" drop down window and choose the "All Files." With this maneuver, your picture (.bmp) file will appear. Highlight it and click "Open." CLICK "OK" and "OK" again. Your icon is finished. There now, doesn't that look better? I should say it does! So, hey, have some fun and make some more. Enjoy! ©2001 Copyright Judith Robbins
Barrett |